Impossible Cure Newsletter -- January 2012


Get 2012 Off to a Good Start -- By Helping Homeopathy!

It's time for New Year's Resolutions. Why not make one of yours to help support homeopathy? If homeopathy has helped your family, give back by supporting homeopathic institutions, speaking up when necessary to protect your access to homeopathic treatment and remedies, and defending homeopaths and homeopathic authors from attack by "quackbuster" forces.

A good place to start is by joining the National Center for Homeopathy -- the "mother ship" of homeopathy in North America and a leader in the worldwide homeopathic community. This year's annual joint conference will take place April 20-22 in Washington, D.C., and has something for everyone. To learn more about the conference -- whose focus this year is on scientific studies of homeopathy and features Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier! -- visit the NCH site.

Speaking of scientific studies, one way to help homeopathy is to become a supporter of Dana Ullman's Foundation for Homeopathic Education and Research.

Finally, judiciously respond to the quackbusters when they attack. One of their latest methods is to write negative reviews of prominent homeopathic books and products on Amazon. Unfortunately, Impossible Cure has been the target of these attacks, which began in August 2011 (after over 8 years of sales on Amazon with no such attacks). A typical example is the review dated December 17 by a man who has written ten 1-star reviews of homeopathic books and products, each of which has nothing to do with the book or product but rather is a blanket statement against homeopathy itself.

Other such reviews try to denigrate the author, such as the reviews of Impossible Cure that try to cast doubt on whether my son Max was ever autistic. What could these strangers possibly know about my son's state 17 years ago?

The best way to show support for homeopathic books and products on Amazon is to:
* Write your own positive 5-star review. Focus on the product itself and how it was helpful to you. Commenting on negative reviews is less helpful because such comments are less visible and can sometimes lead to "flame wars" with the quackbuster.
* Mark negative quackbuster reviews as abuse and unhelpful, and if you're really inspired, write a complaint to Amazon itself.
* Mark positive reviews as helpful.

Thanks for helping homeopathy!


Healthy Tips for 2012

Homeopathy isn't just about using remedies to heal -- it's also about staying healthy in the first place. As Hahnemann said, one must remove "maintaining causes" -- eating and living habits that lead to ill health. There are also a variety of natural means for restoring health that don't involve the use of remedies. These can be handy if you are on a good constitutional remedy and don't want to interrupt its action with the use of a different remedy when you come down with a cold or other minor ailment. Don't forget, in most situations, your body does know how to heal itself!

The following is an important list of health tips that I follow in my own life. I could write an article about each one of them, but for now, let me give you a summary to help get your 2012 off to a healthy start.

Drink water. If you haven't yet done so, remove all sodas from your house. This one American staple is probably most responsible for the obesity epidemic (yes -- diet sodas also lead to obesity, besides being filled with toxins!) and a variety of health problems. Another good drink is tea, especially green tea. Try not to add sugar; it actually tastes better that way! If you simply must have a sweet drink sometimes, add a little 100% fruit juice to your water or tea.

Eat real food. Cook at home! One reason why Europeans generally have better health than Americans is that the American food supply has become adulterated by preservatives, GMOs, and pesticides. Make it your habit to avoid processed food as much as possible and eat organic food if you can. Eat like your grandparents did -- cook real food at home! I guarantee -- you will lose weight and feel better. As much as possible, stick to lots of vegetables, legumes, and fruits (visit your local farmer's market), meat, chicken, fish and dairy (if you can tolerate it), unsalted nuts, and organic whole grain products. If you have an urge for a cookie, try a combination of nuts and dried fruit instead.

Vitamins D3 and C. While I try to avoid taking supplements, two vitamins I couldn't do without are D3 and C. Almost everyone knows about the virtues of vitamin C. I like to use it in powdered form (which I dissolve in hot water) because it's easier on the stomach. In the winter months, I take 1000mg of Vitamin C each day.

More and more studies are now coming out that also show the importance of Vitamin D3. In fact, a lot of America's ill health -- even in children -- is due to dangerously low levels of D3, the vitamin we get from sunshine. All the warnings about the dangers of the sun and using sunscreen (most are toxic), along with our indoor sedentary lifestyle, have taken their toll. We need sunshine. Get some everyday! The sun is safe as long as you don't burn. Vitamin D3 is protective from many cancers (including skin cancer and breast cancer) and a host of other diseases. My whole family now takes 2000 IU each day and I rarely get sick. (Some advise getting your D3 level tested first and taking even more if necessary.) And if you feel a cold coming on, take a bit more C and D3 -- you may nip it in the bud.

Apple Cider Vinegar. This is a wonder tonic for the digestive system and is even supposed to help with weight loss. I take a tablespoon each morning with some water. Read around about it online -- there are many virtues of apple cider vinegar. Soaking your feet in it will even help ward off athlete's foot! Make sure you buy organic apple cider vinegar that is a bit murky -- with "the Mother". Watch out for major brands that are simply white vinegar with caramel color added.

Hydrogen Peroxide. Another wonder substance! Put it on cuts and wounds (it doesn't sting), gargle with a diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water when you feel a sore throat coming on (but don't swallow!), or put some in your ears for a few minutes when you feel a cold coming on. The bubbling action is hydrogen peroxide doing its job. Read around about it online.

Apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are also great cleaning agents. If I was on a deserted island and could only take a few helpful substances with me (besides homeopathic remedies!), I would take: hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and soap.
